Discover the Fascinating Size of the Black-Footed Cat

black-footed cat size

The black-footed cat lives in southern and eastern Africa’s dry savannahs. It lives alone and does most of its moving around at night.

The cat is hard to see in the wild because it is small and stays out at night, but it is known to be a good hunter.

The black-footed cat eats rodents, birds, and reptiles, all small animals. It is also thought that it eats bugs.

In this article, we’ll go into depth about the size and shape of this elusive creature and answer some of the most common questions about it.

We’ll talk about everything, from its weight and height to its length and where it lives. So, let’s go on an interesting trip to discover how big the Black Footed Cat is and what it looks like.

Click here to read more about Social Life of the Black-Footed Cat

Size of Black Footed Cat: A Closer Look

The Black Footed Cat (Felis nigripes) is a small wildcat that lives in the dry parts of Southern Africa. Even though it’s small, it has a unique charm and amazing adaptations that help it live well in its surroundings.

Weight of the Black Footed Cat

A Black Footed Cat usually weighs between 1.8 and 2.5 kilograms (about 4 and 5.5 pounds). Even though it is small, it is a strong hunter that can catch food that weighs almost twice as much as it does.

Height of the Black Footed Cat

The Black Footed Cat is about 25 to 30 centimeters (10 to 12 inches) at the hip on all fours. It’s short legs and low body make it easy to move through the thick plants in its home range.

Length of the Black Footed Cat

The Black Footed Cat is about 35 to 50 cm (14 to 20 inches) long from its head to the base of its tail. Its tail is 15 to 20 centimeters (6 to 8 inches) long.

Habitat and Range

Most of the time, the Black Footed Cat lives in the dry savannas and plains of Southern Africa, such as Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. Its small size lets it move through the brush and live well in semi-desert areas.

Adaptations for Survival

This small cat has adapted in several ways that help it stay alive. It is a quick and fast hunter because it is small and light. It can sneak up on its prey and then pounce on it accurately. Its black feet are also good at hiding it in the dark, so it can hunt without being seen.

How does the size of the Black Footed Cat compare to other wildcat species?

The black-footed cat is Africa’s tiniest wild cat and one of the world’s smallest cats. It is about the size of a house cat but much slimmer.

Here is a size comparison of the black-footed cat to other wildcat species:

SpeciesHead-and-body lengthTail lengthWeight
Black-footed cat           35-52 cm (14-20 in)15-20 cm (5.9-7.9 in)1.3-2.4 kg (2.9-5.3 lb)
Rusty-spotted cat      35-48 cm (14-19 in)15-20 cm (5.9-7.9 in)1.3-1.8 kg (2.9-4.0 lb)
Caracal60-80 cm (24-31 in)25-30 cm (10-12 in)13-18 kg (29-40 lb)
Savannah cat46-63 cm (18-25 in)23-30 cm (9-12 in)2.7-6.8 kg (6.0-15.0 lb)

As you can see, the black-footed cat is substantially smaller than the other wildcat species listed above. The largest of these cats is the caracal, roughly double the size of the black-footed cat. The savannah cat is a domestic cat breed frequently misidentified as a wildcat. It is similar in size to the black-footed cat but has a different body form and coat pattern.

The black-footed cat’s diminutive size is an adaption to its environment. The cat lives in Africa’s dry savannahs and must be able to hunt small prey species. Its diminutive size also aids it in avoiding larger predators like lions and leopards.

Can the size of the Black Footed Cat vary between individuals?

Yes, the black-footed cat’s size varies between individuals. This is due to various variables influencing cat size, including genetics, nutrition, and environment.

The size of the black-footed cat varies between individuals for various reasons. On the other hand, the black-footed cat weighs between 1.3 and 2.4 kilos (2.9 and 5.3 pounds).


The diminutive stature of the Black Footed Cat attests to its extraordinary adaptations and survival methods.

Despite its small size, it flourishes in the parched terrain of Southern Africa, demonstrating its quickness, hunting prowess, and adaptability.

Understanding the size and features of this secretive feline provides vital insights into nature’s delicate balance and the need of conservation.

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