Mountain Lion Vs Cheetah: Who Would Win In A Battle

Mountain Lion Vs Cheetah

Mountain lions and cheetahs are two big cats known for their fascinating hunting abilities.

These two big cats are very good hunters, known for their speed, strength, and quietness. Conversely, cheetahs live in Africa and certain parts of Africa.

With their incredible speed and acceleration make them the world’s fastest land animals.

Find out which predator is stronger, the cheetah or the mountain lion, and learn about the characteristics that distinguish each species.

Understanding Mountain Lions

Mountain Lion

Physical Characteristics

Mountain lions are muscular, with dominant limbs and a sleek, tawny coat. Males can grow 7-8 feet long and weigh up to 300 pounds, while females are smaller.

Their distinctive characteristics include a small head, pointed ears, and a long tail. They possess sharp claws and teeth, perfectly adapted for hunting and tearing prey.

Habitat and Distribution

These beautiful big cats are adaptable and thrive in various environments, including deserts, swamps, dense forests, and rocky canyons.

You can find these big cats all over the Americas, from Canada to Argentina. The western United States and parts of South America have the most of them.

Even though they live in many places, their numbers have decreased because of habitat loss and conflicts with people.

Diet and Hunting Techniques

Mountain lions, also known as cougars, are the top predators and eat mostly deer, elk, and other animals with hooves.

They are smart and patient hunters who use a variety of skills to catch their prey, such as sneaking up on it and chasing it.

They have strong jaws and sharp teeth that let them quickly kill their prey by biting it in the neck or throat.

Read also: African Lion Vs. Mountain Lion: Who Comes Out on Top?

Understanding Cheetahs


Physical Characteristics

Cheetahs are beautiful large cats native to the African continent. People know cheetahs for how fast and agile they are. Their bodies are thin and streamlined so that they can move quickly. They have long legs, a small head, and a spine that can bend.

A black streak in the shape of a tear runs from the corner of each eye to the mouth, making them easy to spot. Their coat also has unique black spots. Most adult cheetahs are between 75 and 140 pounds and are about 4 to 5 feet long.

Habitat and Distribution

These magnificent big cats are found primarily in the savannas and semi-deserts of sub-Saharan Africa, with smaller populations in parts of Iran and Central Asia.

Cheetah habitat includes grasslands and open plains. In some cases, however, cheetahs can be encountered in areas with abundant vegetation or rocky terrain.

Cheetahs usually travel in small groups, such as a mother and her cubs or a group of male cheetahs, who are often related.

Diet and Hunting Techniques

They eat mostly small to medium-sized antelopes and gazelles because they are carnivores.

Cheetahs can run up to 71 miles per hour, which is very fast. When the cheetah gets close to its prey, it will trip and suffocate it.

When they catch their prey, they kill it by biting the throat or neck with their sharp teeth and claws.

They only eat fresh meat. Because of this, a cheetah will die of hunger if it is sick or hurt and can’t chase and kill its prey.

Comparative Analysis

Speed and Agility

There is no doubt that cheetahs are faster than mountain lions, even though both are very agile and athletic.

Cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world. They can reach top speeds of about 70 mph (113 km/h) over short distances. On the other hand, mountain lions can only go 40 to 50 mph (64 to 80 km/h) for short periods.

Mountain lions, on the other hand, are faster and better at climbing. They can easily get through rough terrain and even climb trees.

Strength and Hunting Tactics

The mountain lion is stronger than any other animal. Because they are big and strong, they can easily beat and kill bigger animals.

They hunt smaller animals like gazelles and antelopes. Cheetahs, on the other hand, are not as heavy. Cheetahs hunt by running very fast, but mountain lions use a variety of methods, such as stalking, ambushing, and chasing their prey over longer distances.

Adaptations to Environment

It’s amazing how well both species have adapted to their environments. The mountain lion is adaptable and can do well in many environments, from deserts and swamps to forests and canyons.

They are also good at getting around on rough terrain and climbing trees. On the other hand, cheetahs do better in open savannas and semi-deserts, where they can use their speed and agility to the fullest for hunting.

Their long legs and smooth, streamlined bodies make them perfect for running quickly across large grasslands.

Conservation Status

Threats to Mountain Lions

Fewer mountain lions exist in many places because their habitats are being destroyed or lost, and they are also having problems with people.

Human activities and new cities are destroying mountain lions’ natural habitats. This means mountain lions have fewer animals to hunt and more chances to meet people, often resulting in fights.

Their numbers have also decreased in some areas because of hunting and poaching.

Threats to Cheetahs

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species lists cheetahs as Vulnerable. There are about 7,000 of them in the world.

Human activities like farming and building have destroyed and fragmented cheetahs’ habitats, and they also have to deal with problems with livestock farmers who see them as a threat to their animals.

Their numbers also decrease because people illegally hunt and poach them for their unique fur.

Conservation Efforts

Several things are being done to help protect both mountain lions and cheetahs.  Wildlife corridors and protected areas are being set up to keep their natural habitats safe and to help them move around and spread out.

Conservation groups work with local governments and communities to reduce conflicts between people and animals and encourage everyone to live together.

Campaigns to teach people about these beautiful big cats are also very important for getting people to support protecting them.

Are Mountain Lions Related To Cheetahs?

Although they look very similar to one another, cheetahs and mountain lions are not related. Indeed, within the family Felidae, they can be found in separate subfamilies.

Pantherinae is the subfamily to which mountain lions belong; other family members include lions, tigers, and leopards.

In contrast, cheetahs belong to the Acinonychinae subfamily and are more closely related to the Leopardidae than the Pantherinae.

While both mountain lions and cheetahs have strong bodies and sharp claws, their divergent evolutionary histories explain why the two species look so different.

The two species evolved in different parts of the world and adapted to eating different things.

That’s why you’ll notice key differences between them regarding appearance and demeanor.

Who will win a fight mountain lion or cheetah?

A cheetah and a mountain lion would lose a fight, but the lion would win. Because they move so quickly, cheetahs could easily get away from a fight.

It would be easy for the mountain lion to win if the cheetah couldn’t get away. The cheetah is not a mean animal and avoids fights when they can. Mountain lions, on the other hand, are mean and can kill animals and people that are bigger than them.

Cheetahs don’t have as long teeth or claws as mountain lions, which gives them an advantage. Mountain lions are also great hunters because they can sneak up on their prey without being seen.

There’s a good chance that the cheetah wouldn’t see the mountain lion until it was too late if it were to chase it. What if a cheetah chased a mountain lion? The mountain lion would be too strong for the cheetah to handle.

The last thing that is hard to imagine is a cheetah chasing a mountain lion. Cheetahs don’t fight with other cats or hunt other cats. But in the wild, mountain lions can hunt other cats and dogs.

With this in mind, the mountain lion has many more benefits than the cheetah. The mountain lion would beat the cheetah in this big catfight.


Despite their similarities as formidable predators, mountain lions, and cheetahs are distinct in many ways.

The mighty and nimble-footed mountain lion is a species found across the western hemisphere. They are nocturnal ambush predators that prefer the cover of darkness.

In contrast, cheetahs are primarily found in sub-Saharan Africa and are adapted for speed. They are social, daytime predators that typically congregate for their hunting.

Cheetahs don’t initiate fights with other predators and rarely go hunting for them. The mountain lion, on the other hand, may pursue other predators in the wild.

The benefits enjoyed by the mountain lion thus greatly outweigh those enjoyed by the cheetah.

The mountain lion would easily outrun the cheetah and emerge victorious from this big cat showdown.

Mountain Lion (cougars) Vs Cheetah Video
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