What Do Bobcats Eat?

What Do Bobcats Eat?

Bobcats are fascinating creatures known for their elusive nature and superb hunting skills.

Found predominantly in North America, these medium-sized wild cats have adapted well to diverse habitats, ranging from forests and swamps to deserts and mountains.

Understanding what the bobcat eats and where it eats might be difficult, with so many diverse food sources to select from. Fortunately for you, that’s where we come in.

We put together this page to help you learn more about the bobcat. This article will teach you everything you need to know about the bobcat’s diet.

Let’s get started, shall we?

What Does a Bobcat Eat?

What Do Bobcats Eat?

Due to their inability to digest plants, bobcats, like other cats, are obligate carnivores, meaning that most of their diet is meat.

What Do Bobcats Eat In The Desert?

In the desert, bobcats are opportunistic eaters, chowing down on small animals such as rabbits, rodents, birds, and reptiles.

They are quite cunning hunters, using their sharp claws and stealthy tactics to catch their prey.

However, it’s important to note that if they feel threatened or are particularly hungry, they may attack small domestic animals like dogs! With the scarcity of water in the desert, bobcats must rely on the moisture content of their prey for hydration.

What Do Bobcats Eat In Snowy Regions?

In snowy areas, bobcats are known as the gourmands, feasting on small critters such as red squirrels, mice, and cotton rats.

Red squirrels comprise most of their diet, while mice and cotton rats account for around a quarter of their meals.

Snowshoe hares, deer, and grouse are eaten less often, but bobcats remain generalists and rely on small-bodied prey to make it through the winter.

It’s worth noting that the diet of bobcats can differ depending on the region they call home.

What Do Bobcats Eat In Mountain Ranges?

In mountain ranges, bobcats are quite the hunters, preying on small mammals such as rabbits, mice, squirrels, and moles.

But don’t be fooled; their diet is quite varied and can depend on what’s available in their environment.

For instance, in Montana, bobcats have been known to chow down on a hefty portion of red squirrels and snowshoe hares.

When the winter months come around, and rodents become scarce, these cats have been known to take down deer! Their diet is mainly carnivorous, but they may also include birds and reptiles in their meals.

Click here to read about The Black Footed Cat: Africa’s Stealthy Feline.

Do Bobcats Eat Humans?

What Do Bobcats Eat?

No, bobcats do not eat humans. While bobcats are wild animals and can be dangerous if threatened or cornered, they are unlikely to attack humans unprovoked.

It’s almost unbelievable, but it’s true: not a single person has ever been reported to have died from a bobcat attack, yet thousands of people succumb to domestic cats and dogs yearly!

Do Bobcats Eat Coyotes?

No, bobcats do not typically eat coyotes. While there have been instances of coyotes killing bobcats to eliminate competition, bobcats, and coyotes generally coexist in the same habitat.

Do Bobcats Eat Dogs?

Bobcats are known to be opportunistic hunters, and while they may target a variety of animals, including dogs, such occurrences are not common.

Generally, these cases happen when a dog is left alone outside. Bobcats may be drawn to urban areas because of prey like rabbits, deer, and pet cats and dogs, but they usually stay away from humans unless provoked.

Does Bobcat Eat A Racoon?

Bobcats are known to be one of the predators that hunt raccoons due to their small size and lack of an effective defense system.

Other predators that hunt raccoons include coyotes, Canadian lynx, cougars, domestic dogs, wolves, large owls, and snakes.

Raccoons use various tactics to evade predators, such as climbing trees and using their paws and sharp claws to escape.

However, when cornered with no escape, raccoons will attack predators, and bobcats, opportunistic hunters, take advantage of this vulnerability and prey on raccoons when given the opportunity.

Do Bobcats Eat House Cats?

It is not common, but it has occurred and could happen again: a bobcat may consume a pet cat if left unsupervised. To ensure the safety of your animals, it is recommended to accompany them when they are outdoors.

Do Bobcats Eat Rattlesnakes?

Yes, bobcats are not scared of rattlesnakes and will happily chow down on them! Despite not being immune to the venom, these brave felines have developed strategies to hunt and eat these venomous snakes.

No wonder they are among the few native creatures brave enough to take on these slithery creatures!

How Often Does A Bobcat Eat?

What Do Bobcats Eat?

Bobcats are voracious eaters, but they don’t go overboard – they usually only chow down on 2 or 3 pounds of meat a day.

However, their feeding habits can be unpredictable, depending on their success at hunting and how much food is available.

They have a high metabolism, so they need to eat regularly to keep their energy levels up.

Generally, bobcats are out hunting and eating every day, especially when there are plenty of small mammals, birds, and other prey around.

Click here to read about The Sand Cat.

Top 10 Foods Bobcats Eat?

  • Rabbits
  • Squirrels
  • Mice and Voles
  • Birds
  • Snakes
  • Lizards
  • Frogs
  • Insects
  • Fish
  • Deer

How Do Bobcats Hunt for Their Prey?

Bobcats are like most felines in that they are most active at dawn and dusk when the light is low. They wake up before sunset, hunt, and then sleep.

When the sun rises again, they are up and hunting again. Bobcats use ambush tactics to capture their prey, relying on their sharp hearing and sight, even in dim light.

They traverse their territory, listening and looking for small animals. When they hear or see something, they freeze and wait for the animal to appear from the grass or shrubs.

Then, they pounce, pinning the animal with a paw and biting its neck.

Are They Good Hunters?

Bobcats are top-notch hunters! They can even take down animals much bigger than themselves. When they go after deer, they jump from a tree onto its back and bite its throat. Bobcats usually go after fawns, but if their favorite prey is hard to find, they’ll go after grown-ups too.

Still, they’d rather hunt smaller critters; their favorites are bunnies and hares.


Despite their small size and short tail, bobcats cannot be messed with. These wild cats are swift predators that hunt and consume various animals, from rabbits and hares to snakes, lizards, beavers, and squirrels.

Even more impressive, they can take down deer three times their size when necessary. It is best to keep your distance from these feisty felines and not attempt to touch or keep them as pets.

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